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Heroes at Work

Heroes at Work

It has been said a hero is one who gives their life to something bigger than themselves. The heroes of our health system have exemplified this type of selfless leadership throughout the challenging times of the global pandemic. Without complaint or need for recognition, our AU heroes continue to shine in the darkest of days. Together we will overcome and celebrate a new and brighter day.

Heroes at Work

It has been said a hero is one who gives their life to something bigger than themselves. The heroes of our health system have exemplified this type of selfless leadership throughout the challenging times of the global pandemic. Without complaint or need for recognition, our AU heroes continue to shine in the darkest of days. Together we will overcome and celebrate a new and brighter day.

Our Nurse's Response

Taking Covid-19 on at AU Health

Nurses were responsible for making very difficult decisions and caring for patients and their families in the face of complex and very high stress environments. There has not been a more important time to recognize and honor nurse courage, compassion, skill, bravery and fearlessness during these difficult times. During this journey, nurses were successful in working together and they also ensured a strong bond with other team members.

The past year presented with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become one of the most impactful crises of our lifetimes. There were numerous challenges to our healthcare system, including:

  • surge volume preparedness
  • emergency staff planning development
  • personal protective equipment
  • multiple workforce stressors
  • fiscal crises
  • development of COVID-19 care protocols
  • enhanced developments with infection prevention
  • pathology
  • behavioral concerns
  • difficult loss of colleagues

Our nurses faced these and the many other healthcare issues effecting our patient- and family-centered care model that we are so highly committed to providing to patients and their families.

We remember the nurses we have lost and recognize their significant contributions to Augusta University Health.

Yolanda Coar

Jeanine Davis

Matthew Harley

Jody Kenny

Mary Matone



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